The practice of the law firm is dedicated to intellectual property and information technology law. It provides both advisory and litigation services.
The law firm intervenes in various sectors such as mechanics, chemicals, telecommunications, energy, packaging, food industry, games of chance, online advertising, e-commerce, well-being, fashion, cosmetic or art.
It assists different types of entities: industrials, information society service providers, software publishers, providers of disruptive goods or services, universities and international organizations, importers. It also represents artists.
The law firm also assists its clients in unfair competition cases.
Intellectual property
Thanks to a solid experience of intellectual property litigations, the law firm acts in patents, trademark, designs, and copyrights related matters (e.g. relating to their nullity, infringement, the contracts related thereto).
As part of its advisory practice, the law firm also assist its clients to structure their project when related to intellectual property matters.
Information technology
The team regularly intervenes litigations cases linked to information technologies. It also assists its clients to structure their projects when related to innovative solutions as well as disruptive goods or services.
Our support
The lawyers working for Quatrebarbes distinguish themselves by their double expertise in advisory and litigation matters. Each of them practices both intellectual property and information technology law.
The client hence benefits from:
- A transversal vision of the issues at stakes. A single case can require to work on patent law, open-source licensing as well as access to data. Online infringement sometimes also required skills in both IP and IT law.
- One and the same team all along the case.
- Extensive experience in international, strategic and complex litigations. In both IP and IT, different local laws and legal specialties must be taken into consideration.
- An easy communication. The firm’s lawyers are used to work with all types of clients: from promising start-ups to established multinationals, not to mention SMEs.